Law, Legislation & Policy

Housed at Boston University School of Law, Dome is a valuable resource for news, analysis, and opinion on legislation and public policy. Dome is staffed by students of BU Law’s various legislation clinics. Dome features work contributed by staff members, scholars, practitioners, and law students interested in legislation and public policy.

The American Family Act is both Effective Policy and Politically Viable, Let’s Make it Law

By Rebecca Gottesdiener
January 24th, 2020 in Analysis, Federal Legislation.

 With the 2020 Democratic Primary underway, candidates are engaged in a ‘race to the left’ defined by progressive proposals for expansive federal programs aimed to combat social, economic, and environmental injustices. Underpinning these ideas is the belief in government as an effective mechanism for improving the lives of Americans and... More

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Dying for a Greener Tomorrow: Legalizing Alkaline Hydrolysis

By Tyler Heneghan
January 24th, 2020 in Analysis, Local Legislation, State Legislation.

From the first intentional Neanderthal burials to Polish vampire burials and Himalayan sky burials, burial practices have long been and continue to be a large part of our cultural understanding of death and the afterlife. Today’s growing concerns with land and natural resource sustainability as well as global climate change, More

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Raise the Age: An Evidence-Based Approach to Juvenile Justice Reform

By Melissa Mayfield
January 24th, 2020 in Analysis, State Legislation.

For a large portion of America’s youth, the 1990s marked the end of juvenile justice. Blinded by fear and captivated by rumors of a  “superpredator” uprising, legislatures across the country decided to “Get Tough” on crime. This meant decreasing rehabilitation efforts, increasing punitive repercussions and transferring increasing numbers of youth... More

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Sanctuaries With Guns? Turning The Rule Of Law Upside Down; by Delegate David Toscano (D-Charlottesville)

By Sean J Kealy
December 18th, 2019 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, Local Legislation, State Legislation.

The Tazewell County, Virginia, Board of Supervisors recently jumped aboard the fast-moving “Second Amendment sanctuaries” train. In doing so, they embraced positions fundamentally at odds with state and federal constitutional law. Passing resolutions opposing certain laws or protesting governmental action is perfectly consistent with our traditions as a democracy, and... More

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Blanket Primaries or Ranked-Choice? Why Not Both?

By Daniel Ordorica
April 20th, 2019 in Local Legislation, Opinion, State Legislation.

A substantial number of Americans continue to voice dissatisfaction with current American electoral practices. This has put Justice Brandeis’s laboratories of democracy to work by prompting some states to exercise their powers to design election systems to experiment with various electoral reforms. Those powers derive from the state constitutions for... More

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