Law, Legislation & Policy

Housed at Boston University School of Law, Dome is a valuable resource for news, analysis, and opinion on legislation and public policy. Dome is staffed by students of BU Law’s various legislation clinics. Dome features work contributed by staff members, scholars, practitioners, and law students interested in legislation and public policy.

Slowing Chipping Away at Child Marriage in the US

By Amanda Simile
April 20th, 2019 in Analysis, State Legislation.

Child marriage is condemned by the international community and the stated goals of the U.S. State Department.  In fact, the State Department’s “U.S Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls” calls marriage before 18 a “human rights abuse.”  However, most states still have laws that allow for the marriage of children... More

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Stop the Clock: Implications of Switching Time Zones

By Drew Kohlmeier
April 20th, 2019 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, State Legislation.

The holiday season is joyous for many reasons; from family, friends, and food, there is ample joy and merriment to go around. There is one aspect of the season that doesn’t match these factors; especially in New England – darkness. At the outset of winter, on December 21st each year, More

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The US House Must Start Protecting Undocumented Minors

By Cassandra Castro
April 20th, 2019 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, Legislative Oversight.

The 2018 midterm election should be considered less of a “blue wave” and more of a call to action made by the people of the United States to their House Representatives. The Trump administration has made many an egregious decision since 2017 and the Democrats of both the House and... More

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The Future of Supervised Injection Sites in Massachusetts and Beyond

By Chloe Aubuchon
April 20th, 2019 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, State Legislation.

With Massachusetts and the country facing a rising opioid overdose epidemic, lawmakers are looking to some controversial measures to curb overdose deaths. One of those measures being considered is supervised injection sites, also called safe injection sites or safe consumption spaces. Safe consumption spaces, of which there are 100 worldwide, More

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Curbing Medicare Drug Costs

By Sarah Zahakos
April 17th, 2019 in Analysis, Federal Legislation.

Prescription drug spend in the U.S. is the highest in the world. Americans pay up to three times the amount per capita of other countries. This is problematic for our growing aging population since their income becomes limited. While Medicare covers prescription drug costs, there are policy gaps that make... More

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