Law, Legislation & Policy

Housed at Boston University School of Law, Dome is a valuable resource for news, analysis, and opinion on legislation and public policy. Dome is staffed by students of BU Law’s various legislation clinics. Dome features work contributed by staff members, scholars, practitioners, and law students interested in legislation and public policy.

Road to Approval: Congressional Hurdles For President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

By Jeffrey Butensky
January 28th, 2016 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, Legislative Oversight.

President Obama’s second term has been defined by increased usage of his foreign policy powers. Whether or not one approves of the agreements with Cuba and Iran, among others, these agreements will have enormous implications for the United States and members of the international community. On October 5, 2015, President... More

Legislating a Disaster: Congressional and Tribal Responses to the Gold King Mine Spill

By Tyler Spunaugle
January 28th, 2016 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, State Legislation, Uncategorized.

On August 5, the Animas River in La Plata County, Colorado suddenly turned a bright and unnatural shade of orange as an estimated three million gallons of toxic wastewater spilled from the abandoned Gold King Mine. Local, State, and Tribal governments scrambled to react as the wastewater brought a sudden... More

Pipe Dreams are a Massachusetts Nightmare: Why Bill H.3690, the Pipeline Expansion Bill, Should Not Pass

By Lillian Feinberg
January 28th, 2016 in Opinion, State Legislation.

Today, New England has the second highest electricity prices in America. Hawaii ranks number one. New England fared well when hydro and coal were the energy sources of choice because of its geography and stores of coal in the region. Unfortunately, starting in the 1990s natural gas became the preferred... More

Legislators of the Year 2015

By Sean J Kealy
December 22nd, 2015 in Federal Legislation, Legislative Operations, Opinion.

In our inaugural Legislator of the Year Award, the staff of Dome is pleased to recognize Rep. Elijah Cummings (D- MD) and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI). Elijah Cummings Rep. Elijah Cummings really earned this award in April and May during and after the riots in his home town of Baltimore protesting the... More

Florida Legislature Passes Drone Privacy Bill

By Alexander Macheras
August 13th, 2015 in Analysis, State Legislation.

The FAA predicts that by 2030, the Unites States could see more than 30,000 drones filling its skies.  Drone use by the government and private individuals alike has long been permitted in the United States for some time without significant regulation. However, state governments and privacy advocates have started to... More