Law, Legislation & Policy

Housed at Boston University School of Law, Dome is a valuable resource for news, analysis, and opinion on legislation and public policy. Dome is staffed by students of BU Law’s various legislation clinics. Dome features work contributed by staff members, scholars, practitioners, and law students interested in legislation and public policy.

“Am I Free to Go?” – It Depends On Who You Ask

By Mario Paredes
March 6th, 2018 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, Legislation in Court, State Legislation.

Typically, when criminal proceedings against a person in state or local custody have been settled, he or she is free to go. This can occur either after that the individual's charges have been dismissed, they have posted bail, or their jail sentence has been completed. Yet, for years there has... More

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Kentucky Medical Review Panels: A Toe in the Water of Tort Reform

By Joye Spinks
March 6th, 2018 in Analysis, Legislation in Court, State Legislation.

In March, the 2017 Kentucky General Assembly passed SB4: AN ACT relating to medical review panels. Sponsored by Senator Ralph Alvarado, a physician from Winchester, the bill establishes medical review panels as a first stop for any medical malpractice claim in Kentucky. The new statute provides that, prior to filing... More

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By Andrea-Gale Okoro
March 6th, 2018 in Analysis, Local Legislation, State Legislation, Uncategorized.

In October 2017, California became the first state to pass a law to deter the use of puppy mills by potential puppy buyers. Under the new law, pet stores must work with animal shelters and other rescue operations to obtain dogs, cats and rabbits, and are prohibited from using breeders. However, More

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Inter Partes Review: non-Article III Adjudication of Private Property Rights

By Eric Dunbar
March 6th, 2018 in Analysis, Federal Legislation, Legislation in Court, Uncategorized.

In November 2017, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group. Oil States poses a question that forces the Supreme Court to consider whether it will turn patent strategy on its head: whether inter partes reviews (IPRs) violate the Constitution by extinguishing... More

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Why Big Pharma Lawsuits Probably Won’t Fix Things

By Sean J Kealy
February 28th, 2018 in Federal Legislation, Lobbying, Opinion.

By: Lindsey Pasieka Pharmaceutical companies are sued every single day. There are literally thousands of drug and medical device-related lawsuits going on right now. And they run the gamut, from things like Pradaxa lawsuits, brought on by victims of side effects, to statewide and regional opioid lawsuits, brought on by mayors and... More

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