
CISL at COSI 2020

June 26th, 2020in Conference

Two presentations in COSI 2020.

Yujia Xue: Towards Large-scale Volumetric Fluorescence Imaging: Computational Miniature Mesoscope (CF3C.4)

Yunzhe Li: Imaging through diffusers with extended depth-of-field using a deep neural network (ITh3E.2).

CISL at POM 2020

June 25th, 2020in Conference

Yunzhe presents her work on "displacement-agnoistic imaging through diffusers using an interpretable deep neural network".


Alex presents a virtual poster on "Intensity diffraction tomography for quantitative 3D phase imaging".

Yujia presents a virtual poster on "Single-shot 3D fluorescence imaging with a Computational Miniature Mesoscope".

CISL at CLEO 2020

May 13th, 2020in Conference

Lei gives invited talk entitled "Deep learning based computational biomedical microscopy with uncertainty quantification"