Category: News

CISL at COSI 2020

Two presentations in COSI 2020. Yujia Xue: Towards Large-scale Volumetric Fluorescence Imaging: Computational Miniature Mesoscope (CF3C.4) Yunzhe Li: Imaging through diffusers with extended depth-of-field using a deep neural network (ITh3E.2).

CISL at POM 2020

Yunzhe presents her work on “displacement-agnoistic imaging through diffusers using an interpretable deep neural network”.   Alex presents a virtual poster on “Intensity diffraction tomography for quantitative 3D phase imaging”. Yujia presents a virtual poster on “Single-shot 3D fluorescence imaging with a Computational Miniature Mesoscope”.

Joe is awarded the NSF NRT fellowship

Joe is selected as an awardee of the NSF NRT fellowship in the NSF NRT UtB: Neurophotonics National Research Traineeship Program at Boston University.  Congratulations!

Special issue on Computational Microscopy

We are organizing a special issue on “Computational Microscopy” in Elsevier Optics Communications. Guest editors for the issue are H. B. de Aguiar (ENS, France), U. S. Kamilov (WashU, USA), and L. Tian (BU, USA).

CISL at CLEO 2020

Lei gives invited talk entitled “Deep learning based computational biomedical microscopy with uncertainty quantification”