Category: News

Alex defended PhD Dissertation!

Alex Matlock successfully defended his PhD Dissertation.  First PhD from Tian Lab!  Congratulations!!!   Title:               Model and Learning-Based Strategies for Intensity Diffraction Tomography Presenter:       Alex Matlock Date:               June 18, 2021 Time:              1:00PM – 3:00PM Advisor:          Professor Lei Tian (ECE, BME) Chair:             Professor Abdoulaye Ndao (ECE) Committee:     Professor Selim Ünlü (ECE, MSE, BME), Professor Jerome […]

Yujia’s and Alex’s papers both win OSA Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Prizes

In this year’s OSA Frontiers in Optics (FiO) Annual Meeting, both Alex’s and Yujia’s papers win the prestigious Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Prize. Alex Matlock, L. Tian, “Physics-Embedded Deep Learning for Intensity Diffraction Tomography”, OSA Frontier in Optics (FiO), Sept. 2020. Yujia Xue, I Davison, D Boas, L. Tian, “Computational Mesoscope for Single-Shot 3D […]