
Editor’s Farewell

Dear Readers, With the fourth year of the Pardee Atlas coming to an end, my part as its third Editor-in-Chief ends. The 2023-2024 academic year has been a momentous one. Not only has our team grown with Pardee graduate students coming from around the world, but we have also introduced two new... More

The Growth of Atlas

Dear Readers, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 4th of year of the Pardee Atlas Journal of Global Affairs! This year brings about the growth of the Atlas through the addition of new team members and new initiatives. Our mission stays the same: To promote students' voices as they... More

Editor’s Farewell

Dear readers, The Pardee Atlas is now finishing its third year and I, as its second Editor in chief, am closing out this chapter.  As we end the school year, the world is no less turbulent than it was a year ago, or even three years ago. In fact, we have... More

New School Year, New Atlas Team

Dear Readers, With predicted Great Power conflict, women's reproductive rights in question, climate disasters occurring around the world from flooding in Pakistan and Puerto Rico to record heat in Europe, it may seem almost mundane, maybe even vain to head into a new school year. However, I returned to Boston University... More

Editor’s Farewell

Dear Reader, A year ago, the Pardee Atlas: Journal of Global Affairs was founded by a group of intellectually curious and passionate graduate students. While I had originally planned on being a member of the Editorial Board, I accepted an opportunity to be the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the publication. Creating a... More

Advancing Human Progress Initiative

  Dear Readers, Welcome back to another exciting semester of the Pardee Atlas! We enter 2022 in a world abundant with problems. As Pardee graduate students, you are acutely aware of the latest global issue, whether from your own personal research into a region or from one of the many courses taught on... More

Back 2 School Featured Papers – Week 6

Dear Reader, This week is our 6th and final week of the Back 2 School initiative. Back in August, the Atlas put out a call for term papers from Pardee School Graduate students. The goal was to provide an opportunity for students to publish term papers they may have worked on... More

Back 2 School Featured Papers – Week 5

Dear Reader, Fake news. In today's global media-scape, the term has become a divisive buzz word and a political cudgel. Popularized by President Donald Trump, fake news has a storied history dating back to Mark Antony and Octavian. Contrary to popular belief, fake news is as old as Western Civilization. No surprise... More

Back 2 School Featured Papers – Week 3

Dear Reader, According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, crisis is defined as "an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending". A crisis can be a blackhole of volatility where decision makers are left with limited time to make critical choices. This week's three papers... More

Back 2 School Featured Papers – Week 2

Dear Reader, After an exciting launch week, I am proud to introduce you to this week's term papers. To all our new followers on social media, welcome to the Atlas! I hope you will also be inspired by our contributors and consider submitting your own works to be published. Our authors this... More