Category: Courses

posts describing courses

A New Generation of Boston Globe Food Writers

by Carlos C. Olaechea Perhaps one of the most popular courses offered in the Boston University Gastronomy program, especially for those interested in applying food studies to the communications fields, is Sheryl Julian’s Food Writing for Print Media offered every spring. Julian, who is the dining editor for the Boston Globe, guides students through every […]

Cooking Up a Storm: The Student Experience in the Culinary Arts Lab

by Korakot ‘Gab’ Suriya-arporn “Five minutes! Food must be up front!” yells the male chef. A collective “Yes, Chef!” quickly follows, and students dressed in their chef’s whites hurry to bring heated dishes to the plating space, quickly sauté Brussels sprouts with crispy bacon, ladle the butternut squash soup into bowls, toss the mesclun greens with […]