Volume 8, Issue 3
July – September 2021
Check out the current issue of URBAN ARCH News, the quarterly newsletter bringing you news on the latest URBAN ARCH and related research.
Introducing the New International URBAN ARCH Center
In this edition of the URBAN ARCH Newsletter we highlight the new NIAAA-funded International URBAN ARCH Center.
Click on the buttons to see what the URBAN ARCH Cohorts and Cores have been working on.
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- Gnatienko N, Calver K, Sullivan M, Forman LS, Heeren T, Blokhina E, Emenyonu N, Ventura AS, Tsui JI, Muyindike WR, Fatch R, Ngabirano C, Bridden C, Bryant K, Bazzi AR, Hahn JA. Heavy Alcohol Use Among Women and Men Living With HIV in Uganda, Russia, and the United States. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. July 2021;82(4):486-492.
- Kekibiina A, Adong J, Fatch R, Emenyonu NI, Marson K, Beesiga B, Lodi S, Muyindike WR, Kamya M, Chamie G, McDonell MG, Hahn JA. Post-traumatic stress disorder among persons with HIV who engage in heavy alcohol consumption in southwestern Uganda. BMC Psychiatry. September 2021;21(1):457.
Article Spotlight
Across Three URBAN ARCH Cohorts of People Living With HIV, Were Women as Likely as Men to Engage in Heavy Alcohol Use?
Many people living with HIV (PLWH) also have alcohol use, which has been associated with negative health outcomes in this population. URBAN ARCH researchers examined data from the Boston, Russia, and Uganda cohorts to determine whether gender was associated with heavy drinking among PLWH.
- Even when adjusting for potential confounders, there was no association found between gender and heavy drinking in the Boston or Russia cohorts.
- In the Uganda cohort, women were less likely to engage in heavy drinking than men (adjusted odds ratio, 0.38).
Comments: It is concerning that women were as likely as men to engage in heavy drinking in the Boston and Russia cohorts of PLWH. Women may have different motivations for—and biological responses to—alcohol use than men; interventions designed to target women with HIV and heavy alcohol use should take these factors into account, especially since unhealthy alcohol use can affect HIV disease progression, care access, and transmission.
Reference: Gnatienko N, Calver K, Sullivan M, et al. Heavy alcohol use among women and men living with HIV in Uganda, Russia, and the United States. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2021;82(4):486–492.
Selected NIH Notices and Funding Opportunities
- HIV Prevention and Alcohol (R01 Clinical Trials Optional)
- HIV Prevention and Alcohol (R34 Clinical Trials Optional)
- High Priority HIV and Substance Use Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Click here for more funding announcements related to HIV and alcohol research.
- Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI): February 13 – 16, 2022; Denver, Colorado, USA/Virtually. General Abstract Submissions deadline: November 1, 2021. Late Breaking Abstract Deadline: January 5, 2022.
- College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD): June 11 – 15, 2022; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Workshops/symposia deadline: November 3, 2021. Abstract Submissions deadline: January 4, 2022.
- Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA): June 25 – 29, 2022; Orlando, Florida, USA.
Click here for more events and conferences.