Podcast with Julien Mc Donald-Guimond interviewing TPRI’s Executive Director, James Bessen, on why automation sometimes increases employment and decreases it at other time.
La planche à billets ASDEQ , May 8, 2024.
Although numerous studies have investigated the aggregate employment effects of automation and digitalization, relatively little is known about the effects at the level of individual workers and along the gender dimension.
James Bessen, TPRI Executive Director, was interviewed and his research was cited in “What history tells us to expect about the future of AI and automation”, Charter Works, November 12, 2023.
James Bessen and Robert Seamans on a panel hosted by R Street discussing the effects of automation technologies on labor, economic growth and future productivity.
A new survey module intended to complement and expand research on the causes and consequences of advanced technology adoption by analyzing the 2018 Annual Business Survey.