Media & Technology Press Releases

Survey: Leery of Government Regulation, Americans Want Social Media to Police Misinformation

By Burt Glass

The U.S. government should not regulate social media platforms, but the platform owners should remove, hide or limit traffic to posts with unverified information, according to Americans responding to a new Media & Technology Survey from Boston University’s College of Communication, out today.

A strong plurality (46%) disagreed or strongly disagreed with the U.S. government regulating social media platforms, compared to only 28% who agreed or strongly agreed. Respondents expressed more agreement with the removal (63%) or minimizing (57%) of unverified information by the platforms themselves.

These results reflect both the public’s skepticism of governmental overreach and support for private solutions to countering misinformation, according to Chris Chao Su, an assistant professor of emerging media studies at Boston University’s College of Communication who designed the survey.

Read full story here.

Survey: Public’s Confidence in its Ability to Evaluate AI-Generated Text Cause for Concern

By Burt Glass

More Americans are adopting tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini and Claude, but a new opinion survey suggests scoring in their own ability to evaluate the accuracy, reliability, completeness, and biases of the text generated by artificial intelligence is cause for concern.

According to Yi Grace Ji, assistant professor at Boston University’s College of Communication and the primary investigator of the survey, in partnership with Ipsos, said the average result – a mean score of 3.26 out of 5, with a 5 for individuals who strongly agree that they can perform a set of specified tasks in critically evaluating AI-generated responses – is worrisome, especially because respondents tend to overestimate their own abilities.

Read full story here. 

Survey: Dating Apps Not Best to Find Your Soulmate, But Still Worth It.

By Burt Glass

Dating apps may not be the best way to find a soulmate – but why risk giving them up?

That’s how many Americans feel about dating apps on Valentine’s Day, according to a new Media and Technology survey from Boston University’s College of Communication and Ipsos.

Many more men (42%) and women (37%) either agreed or strongly agreed that “people can find their soulmates” on a dating app, than disagreed (men 16%, women 15%).

Read the full article here.

Survey: With dating apps, we doubt them but don’t drop them

By Burt Glass

Americans doubt dating apps are the best way to find a successful relationship and they certainly don’t trust them – but they’re apparently unwilling to give up on apps like Match, Tinder and Hinge in the search for their true soulmate.

Those are some of the takeaways from the latest Media & Technology Survey designed by Boston University’s College of Communication and conducted by Ipsos earlier this month.

For every one respondent who agreed that “dating apps are the best way to find a successful relationship these days,” almost three disagreed (15% vs. 39%).

Further, respondents don’t fully trust what they read and see on dating apps. More than 60% of respondents agree that “most people lie on dating apps,” while only 4% disagree. Four times as many respondents agree than disagree that “dating apps are filled with too many machines posing as real people (known as chatbots) to be trusted” (39% vs. 11%).

The prospect of artificial intelligence technology improving dating apps didn’t seem to boost their confidence. Only one in six agreed that “dating apps that use AI, meaning computer-powered artificial intelligence, will lead to more successful relationships.”

Yet three times as many respondents agree than disagree that “people can find their soulmates on a dating app” (41% vs. 15%).

“Dating apps feel like they have so much potential for the people who use them. There is a sense that the ideal person is just one swipe away so you can’t give up, because what if?” says Kathryn Coduto, an assistant professor at Boston University College of Communication whose recent research has focused on dating apps technology.

Read the full story here, BU Brink coverage here and Boston Globe coverage here.

Survey: Americans leery of social media bans for journalists who post content owners don’t like

By Burt Glass

Twice as many Americans disagree than agree with owners of social media platforms, like Twitter, banning journalists who post content they don’t like.

That’s according to the latest Media and Technology Survey from Boston University’s College of Communication conducted by Ipsos, which asked Americans whether the owners of social media networks should be allowed to ban journalists who post information that the owners of the networks don’t like. Only 21% agreed with such a move, while 46% disagreed and 33% neither agreed or disagreed.

Read the full article, which includes media contact information, here.

Access the associated December 2022 Ipsos survey data here.

Survey: Slim majority trust media, hiding huge partisan gap

By Burt Glass

A slim majority of Americans trust the media to accurately report on top issues of the day, but that fact hides a deep divide between Democrats and Republicans, according to a new survey by Boston University’s College of Communication.

When it comes to climate change, vaccines, and elections, about 3 of 5 Americans, or 60%, trust the media to provide accurate information to varying degrees. The percentage jumps to about 80%, however, for Democrats and drops to just more than a third (34-37%) for Republicans.

Read the full story here.
