Ethics and AI Startups
James Bessen, Stephen Michael Impink, Lydia Reichensperger, and Robert Seamans
Results from TPRI’s 2021 AI Ethics survey shed light on how startups approach the uncertain landscape of ethics and Artificial Intelligence.
James Bessen, Stephen Michael Impink, Lydia Reichensperger, and Robert Seamans
Results from TPRI’s 2021 AI Ethics survey shed light on how startups approach the uncertain landscape of ethics and Artificial Intelligence.
William E. Kovacic, Robert C. Marshall, and Michael J. Meurer
New research arguing for new policies to address serial collusion in various industries, including guidance to antitrust enforcers about how to better understand and combat serial collusion facilitated by patents.
James Bessen and Erich Denk
New research finding that firm size, productivity dispersion, and large firm investments in intangibles can account for much of the decline in the response to productivity since 2000, and that industry concentration is directly related to aggregate productivity growth.
James Bessen, Erich Denk, and Chen Meng
New research explaining the role of proprietary software investment in the rise in skill sorting and wage inequality.
Edward Felten, Manav Raj, and Robert Seamans
Introducing a novel dataset for analyzing AI’s impact on workers, firms, and markets.
Timothy Simcoe, et al.
New research showing that a supportive organizational culture, not just representation, is necessary for increasing diversity in an organization’s leadership.
Kristina McElheran et al.
A new survey module intended to complement and expand research on the causes and consequences of advanced technology adoption by analyzing the 2018 Annual Business Survey.
Kristina McElheran et al.
New research exploring the age-related effects of firms’ software investments on employee wages.
Tania Babina, Asaf Bernstein, and Filippo Mezzanotti
New research on the effect of the Great Depression on patenting and the role of financial crises as both destructive and creative forces for innovation.
Filippo Mezzanotti et al.
New research on the effects of angel investor tax credits on entrepreneurial activity, raising concerns about using investor subsidies to promote entrepreneurship.