Three Reasons The ILWU Should Embrace Port Automation In LA/Long Beach
James Bessen’s research is mentioned in Forbes, February 9, 2023.
James Bessen’s research is mentioned in Forbes, February 9, 2023.
James Bessen’s research is mentioned in The New York Times , February 13, 2023.
By Michael Meurer
Patents are supposed to cover new and innovative inventions, so why are there patents on old or obvious creations such as a stick, a method of swinging on a swing, and bread with the crust cut off?
By Felix Poege
Knowledge generation is increasingly pursued in collaboration. The success of such collaborative efforts is grounded in the joint use of “team-specific capital”.
Timothy Simcoe quoted in MIT Sloan Management Review, October 31, 2022.
James Bessen’s The New Goliaths book discussed in article ”Why Disruptive Innovation Has Declined Since 2000” ProMarket, November 15, 2022
By Felix Poege
IG Farben used to be the world’s largest chemical company and a major innovator – until it was broken up in one of the largest antitrust events in history.
By Jeremy Watson , Megan MacGarvie, and John McKeon
Technological change has led to a rapid and dramatic evolution of business models in copyright-intensive industries, especially in the music industry.
By Melanie Arntz, Cäcilia Lipowski, Guido Neidhöfer and Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage
The effect of social background on professional success decreases when technological change is strong.
James Bessen’s research cited in “Comment les BigTech étouffent l’innovation” article in Up Magazine, May 24, 2022.