Scott Kuzdeba Wins IARPA’s INSTINCT Challenge!


NPL lab member, Scott Kuzdeba, along with collaborator Troy Lau of BAE Systems’ Adaptive Reasoning Technologies Group in Burlington, MA, won the INSTINCT (Investigating Novel Statistical Techniques to Identify Neurophysiological Correlates of Trustworthiness) challenge, which was the first public challenge issued by the The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

Kuzdeba and Lau’s winning solution, JEDI MIND (Joint Estimation of Deception Intent via Multisource Integration of Neuropsychological Discriminators), “used a combination of innovative statistical techniques to improve predictions approximately 15% over the baseline analysis”, stated the press release from the INSTINCT Challenge.

To read the press release in full, click here.

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