
Hultquist co-author on PNAS article

Nicole Hultquist is a co-author on the recently published article "Tracing sources of atmospheric methane using clumped isotopes" published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS). In this article, Nicole and her colleagues used novel isotopic methods on rare isotopic forms of methane to understand better the sources of origin of atmospheric methane. Congratulations, Nicole!

Kovacik receives NSF DDRIG award

By John M. MarstonMay 23rd, 2024in Funding, News, Research

Peter Kovacik received a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Research Grant from the Archaeology Program of the US National Science Foundation. This award, titled "Effect of Colonial Policy on Land Use", provides funds to permit Peter to engage in archaeobotanical research into Spanish colonial land-use strategies in the Albuquerque Basin of New Mexico, and how land-use practices differed between idealized models put forth by Spanish administrators and on-the-ground implementation by Spanish and Indigenous communities in the region. Congratulations, Peter!

EA Lab alumna Forste and Marston publish article

By John M. MarstonMarch 27th, 2024in Publications, Research

Environmental Archaeology Lab alumna Kathleen M. Forste (GRS '21) and John M. Marston are co-authors on a new article, "Cultivating the Hills and the Sands: A Comparative Archaeobotanical Investigation of Early Islamic Agriculture in Palestine", in Environmental Archaeology. In this article, Forste et al. integrate archaeobotanical assemblages from a range of settlements across Early Islamic (c. 636–1099 CE) Palestine to argue that the production and consumption of plant resources were affected more by a settlement’s socioeconomic function than by its environmental setting. Read the article here.

Angela Zhang presents at anthraco2023 conference

By John M. MarstonSeptember 1st, 2023in Conferences, Research

At the anthraco2023 conference in Porto, Portugal, Angela Zhang delivered the paper "Wood use in Predynastic Upper Egypt: results of charcoal analysis from two predynastic settlements in the Nile Valley". This is the result of Angela's 2022-2023 UROP project and includes lab members Peter Kováčik and John Marston as co-authors. Congratulations Angela!

Trevor Lamb interns with National Park Service

By John M. MarstonJune 13th, 2023in News, Outreach

This summer Environmental Archaeology Lab member Trevor Lamb is serving as the Archaeology Interpretation Development Intern at Blackstone Valley National Historical Park, which is located in the Blackstone River Valley of south-central Massachusetts and northeast Rhode Island. Earlier this month he led a hands-on paleoethnobotany workshop at the “First Friday” event held at Slater Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Events included face painting, birdwatching, and live Cape Verdean music. One of the performers used a traditional Cape Verdean instrument called the cimboa which is made of a hollowed-out bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria). Trevor used this as a starting point to create a variety of paleoethnobotany-focused activities that allowed visitors to explore the history of the bottle gourd and a suite of other crops that were domesticated by Indigenous people in Eastern North America c. 4000 BP, which archaeologists call the “Eastern Agricultural Complex”. Visitors got to view charred goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri) seeds under the microscope, look at maize phytoliths and 3D-printed phytolith models, and color sheets with information about common “weeds”, like goosefoot, that tell exciting stories about people and plants.