Angela Zhang
M.Sc. Student, University of Oxford

- Title M.Sc. Student, University of Oxford
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- Education BA summa cum laude, Boston University, 2024
Areas of Interest
Archaeobotany/Paleoethnobotany; Anthracology (wood charcoal analysis); Eastern Mediterranean; Ancient Near East; Ancient Egypt; Bronze Age Archaeology; Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Transition; Digital Archaeology
Research Interests & Fieldwork
I am interested in exploring how people responded to and lived through times of crisis, turmoil, and instability, particularly during the Bronze Age-Iron Age transition in the Eastern Mediterranean region. I hope to further interrogate what happened after the end of the Bronze Age, the endurance of cultures despite rises and falls, and the dynamic relationship between people, plants, and their environment.
Athenian Agora Excavation in Athens, Greece
UROP, Prehistoric Egyptian Wood Charcoal Analysis: I work under the supervision of Professor Marston on analyzing wood charcoal collected from two Upper Egypt Neolithic settlements—Halfia Gibli and Semeineh.