Congratulations to CRC fellow and Ph.D. candidate in EMS, Sejin Paik!
She recently published her solo-authored paper,”Journalism Ethics for the Algorithmic Era” in Digital Journalism. Drawing on interviews with local journalists, the article looks into the history of journalism ethics in the U.S. and the challenges of editorial work in the face of artificial intelligence and algorithmic systems. Paik encourages a cross-disciplinary lens to tackling contemporary topics in digital journalism. She applies Floridi’s onlife theory which helps to explain a more complex, relational relationship among humans, machines and nature and extends this theoretical concept to the interplay between journalistic work and algorithmic systems at play. Findings of the study show a growing shift in editorial agency from a once human-led control to machine-dependent decision making. Discussions are made around how news workers and technologists can better align on the values, goals and motivation of journalistic work that is increasingly augmented by AI.