Xiaowei et. al’s SRS-FISH work is highlighted in Biophotonics
Congratulations! [link][link to paper]
Our high-precision optoacoustics neuromodulation technique is reported in SPIE news
Great work! Congratulations! [link]
Hyeon Jeong Lee’s melanoma paper is selected as the best paper in 2021 by BME Frontiers
Congratulation to Hyeon Jeong and all the co-authors! [link]
The first Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy book is published in Dec 2021
The first Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy book is published in Dec 2021. Cheers! [link]
Photoacoustic Stimulation with Single-Neuron Precision Developed by a BU Team
Linli Shi, et. al.'s paper “Non-genetic Photoacoustic Stimulation of Single Neurons” is published in Light: Science & Applications. This work demonstrated photoacoustic stimulation with single-neuron precision using a tapered fiber optoacoustic emitter (TFOE). The TFOE allows selective activation of single neurons or smaller cellular structures and provides a sub-microsecond temporal resolution. Many new research opportunities will be opened up by the new capabilities offered by TFOE. [News link] [Paper link]
Hybrid Metalens Supports Miniaturization of Coherent Raman Imaging Devices
Collaborating with researchers from Harvard University, Peng Lin et. al. demonstrated coherent Raman scattering imaging with an achromatic, compact, hybrid metalens that is designed to focus two different wavelengths in the near-infrared region. This work showcases the promising potential of metalens for miniature endoscopic CRS imaging. [News link] [Paper link]
Professor Ji-Xin Cheng will deliver a keynote speech in the first Photonics Spectra Conference in Jan 2021
Exciting event! [Link]
Lu, Yueming et al‘s Advanced Photonics paper is featured on SPIE news
Congratulations to Lu, Yueming et al for this novel development! [link]
Jason and Mikhail’s paper is selected by LSA as the 2019 Top Downloaded Papers
Jason and Mikhail's paper ‘Microsecond scale vibrational spectroscopic imaging by multiplex stimulated Raman scattering microscopy' is selected by Light: Science & Applications (LSA) as the 2019 Top Downloaded Papers. Congratulations! [Paper link]
A story about Jie Hui’s phototherapy research was published in BU The Brink
Cheers! [link]