Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


Currently the Chemistry Department at BU (Charles River Campus) along with the Center for Molecular Discovery (CMD) have five Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometers. These instruments are available for use by members of the Boston University community after successful completion of NMR training.

We also offer professional NMR services for non-BU customers at very reasonable rates. Services include but are not limited to NMR sample preparation, acquiring and processing of NMR data. Please contact us for details.

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List of NMR Spectrometers (status)


600 MHz Avance Neo (b600)

Instrument Status: In working order and available for use.


The Bruker 600 MHz Avance Neo NMR spectrometer with three RF channels is equipped with a 5 mm double resonance broadband Bruker iProbe (BBFO SmartProbe) offering very high sensitivity for X and 1H detection. A triple resonance TXI probe designed for 1H observation with 13C and/or 15N decoupling is also available. The spectrometer is also equipped with a BCUII and a 60 position SampleCase Plus sample changer for VT and automation experiments at user height. Experiments available on this instrument include regular 1D and 2D (COSY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, NOESY and ROESY type experiments) and the following observable nuclei: 1H and X-nuclei corresponding to 19F and the broad band range from 31P-109Ag (BBF) excluding 171Yb-9Be. The 5mm triple resonance TXI probe offers 1H observation with 13C and/or 15N decoupling experiments. This spectrometer runs Topspin 4.x (Windows) with IconNMR automation interface.

500 MHz VNMRS (m500)

Instrument Status: In working order and available for use. VT capable but contact first if you need to run VT experiments.

The Agilent 500 MHz VNMRS spectrometer with a Varian ultra shielded magnet is equipped with a dual broadband variable temperature probe and protune. The spectrometer is also equipped with an AS 7510 auto sampler (12 positions) and loaded with the vnmrj 3.2A. The Dual Broadband probe is ideal for observation and decoupling of high and low frequency broadband nuclei. The probe is fully capable of performing indirect detection experiments. The inner coil is tunable from 15N – 31P for optimum low frequency sensitivity. The outer coil is tunable from 1H to 19F for optimum high frequency sensitivity. Experiments available on this instrument include regular 1D and 2D (COSY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, NOESY and ROESY type experiments) and the following observable nuclei: 1H, 13C, 11B, 195Pt, 19F, 31P, 59Co, 15N, and 119Sn etc.

400 MHz VNMRS (v400)

Instrument Status: In working order and available for use. VT capable but contact first if you need to run VT experiments.

The Agilent 400 MHz VNMRS unity plus spectrometer with an Oxford Instruments superconducting magnet is equipped with a dual broadband variable temperature probe. The spectrometer is primarily used for research and is capable of running common NMR experiments (regular 1D and 2D (COSY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, NOESY and ROESY type experiments)) as well as 19F, 11B, 31P, 59Co and 195Pt etc. The software is vnmrj 3.2A.

Mercury plus 400 (CMD NMR)

Instrument Status: Contact the CMD for instrument availability.

The Agilent Mercury plus 400 MHz (CMD NMR) spectrometer with an Oxford Instruments superconducting magnet is equipped with an ATB probe . The spectrometer is primarily the research instrument for the Center for Molecular Discovery (CMD). The software is vnmrj 4.2D. The CMD also has in possession a microcoil flow probe capable of running mass limited samples and is equipped with a dual solvent and automated sample delivery system.

Bruker Fourier 300 MHz NMR (b300f)

Instrument Status: In working order and available for teaching only (not for research). VT capable but contact first if you need to run VT experiments.

The compact Bruker Fourier 300 MHz NMR, is a dedicated teaching NMR for Organic undergraduate classes. The spectrometer is fully automated and equipped with a sample changer (60 samples) running on Topspin and Icon NMR. The Fourier 1H/13C probe is equipped with a deuterium digital lock, variable sample temperature control and Z-gradient for easy 2D spectroscopy and gradient shimming.