Paleoenvironmental reconstruction featured by AIWG and SIWG
Christine Bassett’s (University of Alabama) research on the use of the butter clam (Saxidomus gigantea) as a paleothermometer has been featured by the Aleutian Islands Working Group and the ICAZ Stable Isotope Working Group. Bassett collaborates with Catherine West on paleoenvironmental reconstruction using material from Kodiak, Alaska.
Mikeska receives BU Center for the Humanities Award
Christine Mikeska, a junior archaeology major at BU, received a student award funded by the Boston University Center for the Humanities. This will fund her as she pursues her interests in cultural identity and ethnicity using the zooarchaeological, historical, and burial data. Congratulations, Christine!
Spring break in the Netherlands: Mikeska receives UROP award
Christine Mikeska, a junior at BU, spent her spring break at “Zooarchaeology Bootcamp” at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA) in the Netherlands in preparation for summer fieldwork in Turkey with Professors Luke and Roosevelt, which is also funded by UROP. Christine’s bootcamp experience is featured in the GIA newsletter Congratulations, Christine!