International URBAN ARCH Center Visiting Scholar Research-in-Progress Webinars
September 2024: Dr. Michael Vinikoor, ZAMBAMA Progress & Preliminary Results
March 2024: Dr. Matthew Freiberg, META HIV CVD
December 2023: Dr. Michael Stein, ARCHER
September 2023: Dr. Patricia Molina, LSUHSC-NO CARC
May 2023: Dr. Chris Kahler, Brown ARCH
March 2023: Dr. Amy Justice, The HIV and Alcohol Research Center Focused on Polypharmacy (HARP)
December 2022: Dr. Robert Cook, Interventions to Improve Alcohol-Related Comorbidities Along the Gut-Brain Axis in Persons with HIV Infection
September 2022: Dr. Geetanjali Chander, Alcohol Research Consortium in HIV: Ending the HIV Epidemic Through Interventions and Epidemiology at the Intersection of the Alcohol and HIV Care Continua
June 2022: Dr. Sylvie Naar and Dr. Karen MacDonell, SHARE Program: Innovations in Translational Behavioral Science to Improve Self-Management of HIV and Alcohol Reaching Emerging Adults