Recent Updates from META HIV CVD

Molly Divine, Research Coordinator
Tracey Goddard, ACNP-BC, MSN

September 2024: The META HIV CVD Program Project Grant team welcomed new team members Tracy Goddard and Molly Divine. Along with the strong foundation built by our team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Comprehensive Care Clinic (CCC), Tracy and Molly greatly expanded our recruitment and enrollment efforts. Over 20 patients are currently enrolled with double as many passing their screenings and scheduled to enroll in the near future. On the other end of the timeline, CCC staff successfully completed the first 12-month visit for a participant, demonstrating that a patient can complete all study visits. Study visits have been expanded to Vanderbilt’s Clinical Research Center to accommodate the growing number of participants.

The Integrated Metagenomic and Metabolomics Core Lab at the University of Louisville and Dr. Kaku So-Armah and his team continue to analyze data for the other aspects of the Program Project Grant.