Category: Research – Homepage

The Business of Artificial Intelligence Startups

James Bessen, Stephen Michael Impink, Lydia Reichensperger, and Robert Seamans

A new survey of AI startups offers insight into AI’s impact on jobs and the economy, including data suggesting a competitive market for startups and the use of AI to enhance rather than replace human labor.

The Policy Challenge of Artificial Intelligence

James Bessen

Across all major sectors of the economy, proprietary information technology is increasing the market dominance of large firms, which is evidence of a slowdown in the spread of technical knowledge throughout the economy. The result is rising industry concentration, slower productivity growth and growing wage inequality. The key challenge to IP and antitrust policy will be counter this trend yet maintain innovation incentives.

Patent Policy and American Innovation after eBay: An Empirical Examination

Timothy Simcoe and Filippo Mezzanotti

After the Supreme Court ruled that courts should not automatically enter injunctions against patent infringers, some commentators feared that the decision would hinder innovation and growth in the U.S. More than ten years later, this paper examines the data to see whether those fears came true.

AI and the Economy

Robert Seamans and Jason Furman

Is artificial intelligence (AI) having a large effect on the economy?  A variety of statistics—including robotics shipments, AI startups, and patent counts—show a large increase in AI-related activity.  AI and robotics also have the potential to increase productivity growth but may cause labor market upheaval. This paper explores some strategies and policies for dealing with this upheaval.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Innovation

Iain Cockburn, Rebecca Henderson, and Scott Stern.

Can artificial intelligence serve as a new general-purpose “method of invention” that can reshape the nature of the innovation process and the organization of R&D? Research suggests that this may lead to a significant substitution away from more routinized labor-intensive research towards research that takes advantage of the interplay between passively generated large datasets and enhanced prediction algorithms. The authors suggest that policies which encourage transparency and sharing of core datasets across both public and private actors may be critical tools for stimulating research productivity and innovation-oriented competition.