Venture capital-backed startups are fertile sources of patented inventions, yet they often go out of business. Ewens & Farre-Mensa (2022) report that up to 40 percent of startups that received VC financing between 1992 and 2009 shut down and were terminated at a loss.
Among all newly established firms in the United States since 1980, only around 0.2% of them have raised venture capital (VC) financing. Nonetheless, VC-backed firms accounted for more than 10% of net employment growth and more than 15% of net payroll growth in the economy.
The extent to which geographic distance is a barrier to technological knowledge transfer is of interest to governments of countries distant from centers of knowledge creation or technology production; to entrepreneurs deciding where to locate a new firm that will need to remain abreast of technological developments; and to national or local policy-makers seeking to influence the decisions of such entrepreneurs.
Jim Bessen, Felix Poege and Ronja Röttger’s article “Research: The Risks of Founding a Startup Near Big Companies”, Harvard Business Review, November 12, 2024.
Currently, 70% of U.S. firms report difficulties in hiring skilled labor (Manpower Group, 2024), and labor scarcity is expected to aggravate in the future due to demographic change.
By David Autor, Caroline Chin, Anna Salomons, Bryan Seegmiller
Technological change transforms economies and labor markets, reshaping the types of jobs that are available, the wages they pay, and the skills they require.
A recent paper “Perpetuating Wage Inequality: Evidence from Salary History Bans” published in the Journal of Economic Inequality by scholars from TPRI (James Bessen, Erich Denk, and Chen Meng) has influenced policy.
In a new Working Paper, TPRI affiliates Filippo Mezzanotti and Timothy Simcoe study how firms shifted the composition of their R&D investments during the 2008 financial crisis.
Firms are increasingly investing in marketing activities; marketing assets are becoming an important component of firm capital. But how much do these investments contribute to economic growth?