Optimal HIV testing strategies in South Africa

The aim of this study is to identify optimal HIV testing strategies to achieve high levels of HIV diagnosis in South Africa.


Boston University investigators Gesine Meyer-Rath
Partner investigators WRHI
Countries South Africa
Project period
Contacts Gesine Meyer-Rath


Publications and other documents

Johnson LF, van Rensburg C Govathson C, Meyer-Rath G. Optimal HIV testing strategies for South Africa: a model-based evaluation of population-level impact and cost-effectiveness. Sci Rep. 2019 Sep 2;9(1):12621.

Phillips AN, Cambiano V, Nakagawa F, Bansi-Matharu L, Wilson D, Jani I, Apollo T, Sculpher M, Hallett T, Kerr C, van Oosterhout JJ, Eaton JW, Estill J, Williams B, Doi N, Cowan F, Keiser O, Ford D, Hatzold , Barnabas R, Ayles H, Meyer-Rath G, Nelson L, Johnson C, Baggaley R, Fakoya A, Jahn A, Revill P. Cost-per-diagnosis as a metric for monitoring cost-effectiveness of HIV testing programmes in low-income settings in southern Africa: health economic and modelling analysis. JIAS. 2019 Jul;22(7):e25325.