Tag: Foodways

Saving the Planet in a Tasty(?) Way: Eat Bugs

Today, we are highlighting work from students in Steven Finn’s course: MET ML626 – Food Waste: Scope, Scale, and Signals for Sustainable Change. This post comes from Megan Perlman.  With the world’s population forecast to reach nine billion by 2050, food production will have to nearly double to keep up. Yet our planet simply cannot […]

Dr. Ari Ariel’s Talk on the Hummus Wars

By Kendall Vanderslice On September 30th, a rainy Wednesday evening, Dr. Ari Ariel presented the second Pepin lecture of the year, titled “Hummus Wars: Buying and Boycotting Middle Eastern Foods.” The new head of the Gastronomy program began his presentation with a slideshow of the Guinness World Record competition between Lebanon and Israel, each vying […]