MET ML 692, Culinary Tourism will be taught this Spring 2025 on Thursdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. by José López Ganem, with a travel component to New México (United States) during the BU Spring Break ‘25. Among the higher echelons of the Food Studies canon, Lucy Long’s Culinary Tourism provides a time-proofed definition of this activity […]
Today, we are highlighting more work from students in Steven Finn’s course: MET ML626 – Food Waste: Scope, Scale, and Signals for Sustainable Change. This is another post from Megan Perlman. Traditional notions of gastronomy may conjure up a vision of white-toqued students making milles-feuilles, a critic with a notepad at a fancy restaurant, […]
Today, we are highlighting work from students in Steven Finn’s course: MET ML626 – Food Waste: Scope, Scale, and Signals for Sustainable Change. This post comes from Emily Shawn. But I don’t contribute to the global food waste problem, right? I’m not the one throwing away my meals and clogging up landfills. Am I? Household waste matters, and way […]
Today, we are highlighting work from students in Steven Finn’s course: MET ML626 – Food Waste: Scope, Scale, and Signals for Sustainable Change. This post comes from Megan Perlman. With the world’s population forecast to reach nine billion by 2050, food production will have to nearly double to keep up. Yet our planet simply cannot […]
Today, we are highlighting work from students in Steven Finn’s course: MET ML626 – Food Waste: Scope, Scale, and Signals for Sustainable Change. This post comes from Sarah Thompson. If you are in Massachusetts, chances are, sipping on Madhrasi Chai, snacking on GRIA nuts, or dining at Clover Food Lab, you have enjoyed the fruits […]