CSRB Standards for Informed Consent/Debriefing

Informed Consent

  • The surveys will use the BU consent language for study subjects as described on the Charles River IRB website. Specifically, the following information will be added to either the opening paragraph of the questionnaire as part of the cover letter, or in the invitation e-mail/online posting or as part of the online version questionnaire:
    • the purpose of the research study and how the results will be used;
    • a statement that participation is completely voluntary and that participation can be discontinued at any time without penalty;
    • approximately how much time will be needed to complete the survey;
    • a statement that all responses are anonymous and confidential;
    • contact information, should the participant have any questions;


Even when a study does not involve the use of deception, debriefing can be used as an educational tool. The debriefing provides participants with a full explanation of the study’s objectives. It should also include other relevant background information pertaining to the study. For example:

Thank you for completing today’s study. Your participation will contribute to better knowledge about [insert topic].

All the information collected in today’s study will be confidential. We are not interested in any one individual’s responses; we want to look at the general patterns that emerge when the data are aggregated together. Your participation today is appreciated and will help students explore [insert topic].

If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to talk with [name of instructor] of the Department of [specify] at Boston University.


*Please note: Experimental surveys that use deception will require a more extensive debriefing. Please notify CSRB chair if you are reviewing such a survey. Additional guidance will be provided.