COM Research Review Board (RRB)

Self-report surveys that follow all stipulations listed below may use the COM Master Protocol. Submit the RRB Application and required attachments (i.e., Human Subjects Research Certification certificates, copy of all survey materials, and a brief rationale for the study being proposed) to Michelle Amazeen (Chair of the RRB committee,, for review.

  • Only self-report surveys, distributed either via paper and pencil, Internet, telephone, “person on the street,” in-person, and traditional mail, may use the COM master protocol. Survey materials may include multimedia content – but are unsuitable for review by the COM RRB if a. The researcher clearly states a.) the submission is experimental in nature or, b.) the measure associated with multimedia content clearly show the purpose is to psychologically manipulate the respondent.
  • All survey respondents must be at least 18 years of age.
  • All responses must be totally anonymous. No identifiers will be stored along with or linked to responses. There will be no master code to link responses to individuals. No deductive disclosure is permitted.
  • The survey will include the BU consent language for study subjects as described on the Charles River Campus IRB website including; the purpose of the study and how the results will be used, a statement that participation is completely voluntary and can be discontinued at any time, the approximate amount of time to complete the survey, a statement indicating that the responses are anonymous, and contact information should the participant have any questions.
  • The survey will include the following statement: “You may obtain further information about your rights as a research subject by calling the BU CRC IRB Office at 617-358-6115 or emailing them at”.
  • That all survey materials will be reviewed by the COM Research Review Board. This includes a review of all survey questions and items. Survey items that include questions of sexuality, mental health, physical health, interpersonal violence, certain physiological characteristics and perception of physical well-being, and illegal activities require the review of the Charles River IRB Office.
  • That, if the survey instrument exclusively targets students enrolled in a college at Boston University, that permission from the dean of that college shall be obtained and a letter of support will be attached to this application.
  • That the survey instrument and resulting data will not be used for dissertation research. All dissertation research conducted in the College of Communication must have a unique protocol number from the Charles River IRB Office.
  • That the College of Communication Research Review Board shall determine whether the proposed survey has met the standards needed for use of the master protocol. Approval for use of the master protocol does not indicate an endorsement for the soundness or quality of the proposed research. Proposed studies that are rejected for use of the master protocol may seek approval from the Charles River IRB Office.
  • That the collection of data for the proposed research project shall only begin after receipt of approval from the COM Research Review Board. Any changes to the survey instrument after receipt of approval requires the instrument to be re-approved by the RRB.
  • Failure to adhere to the stipulations set forth in this agreement may result in the suspension of the use of the COM master protocol and potential further disciplinary action in accordance with the Boston University Research Misconduct Policy.