Many CRC fellows will be attending the 69th annual International Communication Association conference, which is taking place from May 24th to May 29th in Washington, D.C. COM scholars and faculty will be presenting their recent research projects in interactive poster sessions, panels, and paper sessions.

Below is a list of upcoming ICA presentations by CRC-affiliated professors and doctoral candidates:

Paper Title
Session Title
Sat. May 25 8:00AM—9:15am n/a J. Katz, Discussant Theorizing Mobile Communication, Researching Mobility: Twenty Years of Perpetual Contact and Beyond
Sat. May 25 8:00AM—9:15am From Awareness to Advocacy: A Two-Year Analysis of Prenatal and Maternal Health Conversations on Social Media S. Parker Ward
B. Andersen
Health Communication in Social Media
Sat. May 25 11:00am—12:15pm Sex on Reddit: An Analysis of Anonymity in NSFW Communities on Reddit B. Wertz
L. Hair
Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Online Communities
Sat. May 25 12:30pm—1:45pm Out and Abo(U)T: A Multi-Method Study on the Cognitive Mechanisms of Human Efforts in Detecting Social Media Bot Accounts L. Zhang
J. Cummings
Communication and Technology Interactive Poster Session
Sat. May 25 5:00pm—6:00pm Speaking Out in Echo Chambers: President Trump’s Supporters’ Communication Behaviors on Social Media Over a Political Controversy A. Krishna
S. Kim
Issues and Communication on Social Media
Sun. May 26 9:30am—10:45a, What Predicts Hostile Comments on Online News? an Integration of Social-Psychological Approaches T. Cahill Perceptions of Online News Bias and Credibility
Sun. May 26 11:00am—12:15pm The Temporal Turn in Communication Research: Time-Series Analyses Using Computational Approaches C. Wells
D.V. Shah
J.C. Pevehouse
J.M. Foley
A. Pelled
J. Yang
Reflections on Computational Communication Research
Sun. May 26 11:00am—12:15pm News or Not? Methodological Considerations in Measuring Recognition of Native Advertising in Digital News Contexts M. Amazeen Public Engagement in Journalism Studies: Exploring Practical, Theoretical, and Methodological Issues Surrounding Native Advertising’s Blurred Boundaries
Sun. May 26 12:30pm—1:45pm When Enough Is Enough: Coping with Media Stressors and Implications for Media (Dis)Engagement L. Hair
M. Tsay-Vogel
Studies in
Sun. May 26 2:00pm—3:15pm What Technology Gives and Takes Away: Non-Use of Mobile and Social Media in Everyday Life K. Mays
A. Caron
Mobile Structure & Agency
Sun. May 26 2:00pm—3:15pm Social Media Use for News, Citizenship Norms, and Online Political Participation: Examining a Dual-Path Participation Model in China L. Guo News Consumption on Social Media
Sun. May 26 5:00pm—6:15pm A Battlefield for “Public Opinion Struggle”: How Does News Consumption From Different Information Sources on Social Media Influence Government Satisfaction in China? Y. Zhang
L. Guo
Political Communication Interactive Poster Session
Sun. May 26 5:00pm—6:15pm The Humpty Dumpty Effect: Emerging Media Diffusion and (Granger) Causal Democratic Change in 122 Countries From 1946 to 2014 B. Wertz
J. Groshek
A. Rochefort
Political Communication Interactive Poster Session
Mon. May 27 9:30am—10:45pm Predictors of Global Intermedia Agenda Setting L. Guo Political Communication Ecologies and Media Systems
Mon. May 27 11:00am—12:15pm Regulating Social Media: A Comparative Policy Analysis A. Rochefort Communication Law & Policy: Communications Beyond Boundaries
Mon. May 27 11:00am—12:15pm Predictors of Armed Intergroup-Conflicts: A Systematic Overview of Risk Factors T. Reimer
S. Connaughton
C. Roland
J. Ptacek
A. Krishna
Intercultural Communication in International/Global Contexts
Mon. May 27 12:30pm—1:45pm Effects of Congruity on User Presence in Virtual Environments: An Experimental Approach in Three Dimensions T. Cahill
J. Cummings
Game Studies Interactive Poster Session
Tues. May 28 11:00am—12:45pm n/a A. Krishna, Discussant Communication During Natural
Tues. May 28 2:00pm—3:15pm Network Agenda Setting, Partisan Selectivity, and Opinion Repertoire: An Analysis of Media Effects on Hongkongers’ Perception of Hong Kong-Mainland China Relationship H. Chen
L. Guo
C. Su
Partisanship and Selectivity
Tues. May 28 2:00pm—3:15pm Performing Populism: Trump’s Transgressive Debate Style and the Dynamics of Twitter Response E.P. Bucy
J.M. Foley
J. Lukito
L. Doroshenko
D.V. Shah
J.C. Pevehouse
C. Wells
Trump and Twitter Communication
Tues. May 28 2:00pm—3:15pm Do Improving Conditions Harden Partisan Preferences? Communication, Context, and Political Evaluations During Periods of Contention J. Suk
D.V. Shah
K. Cramer
L.A. Friedland
C. Hughes
M.W. Wagner
C. Wells
Partisanship and Selectivity