
Our lab’s newest paper is accepted by Physics Review Letters

Dr. Jiaze Yin's paper Mid-infrared energy deposition spectroscopy has been officially accepted by Phyiscs Review Letters, congratulations to Jiaze and all the authors!

Go to this link for more info:


Photonics Center received $500,000 to establish a scholarship

On Jan 2025, Boston University Photonics Center received $500,000 from SPIE to establish a scholarship in Photonics.

Left: SPIE president. Middle: Ji-Xin Cheng (Faculty Director of SPIE/Optica/IEEE student chapter), Right: Tom Bifano (Photonics Center Director).

SRS Nanoscopy is Published in Nature Methods and Highlighted by DeepTech

Haonan Li et al published "Label-free nanoscopy of cell metabolism by ultrasensitive reweighted visible stimulated Raman scattering", in Nature Methods. This method achieved label-free chemical imaging of nanostructures inside living cells. By leveraging AI, our team developed a stimulated Raman nanoimaging technique with a resolution of up to 86 nanometers.

We produced 5 PhDs in 2024!

Congratulations to Zhongyue, Hongli, Yifan, Xiaowei and Jiaze! May your path ahead be paved with achievements and joy!

New Cover Image in Science Advances

Science Advances publishes a special issue on Chemical Imaging Frontiers, with Prof. Cheng as the editor.
