Updates from 2nd Generation URBAN ARCH HIV/Alcohol P01s

This spring, the ARCHER team has been busy recruiting, screening, enrolling, and collecting data for the center’s Physical Activity (PA) Trial and Pain Trial. By working in collaboration with BuildClinical, a vendor specializing in targeted online campaigns to recruit participants for clinical research studies, we have received over 1900 potentially eligible participants to screen for eligibility for the ARCHER trials. We have phone screened 448 potentially eligible participants for the Pain Trial, and 440 potentially eligible participants for the Physical Activity Trial. In total, we currently have 163 participants enrolled and randomized: 86 in the Physical Activity Trial and 77 in the Pain Trial. Randomized participants have consented, completed the baseline interview, and completed 15 days of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data collection. In the PA Trial, participants have also completed 15 days of Fitbit wear. In addition to collecting baseline data, we have been actively collecting 3-month and 6-month follow-up data: 46 participants in the PA Trial have completed their 3-month research interview and 3-month EMA surveys, and 57 participants in the Pain Trial have completed their 3-month research interview and 3-month EMA surveys. 38 participants in the PA Trial have completed their 6-month research interview, 34 completing the PEth blood draw using the Tasso M-20 device, and 36 participants in the Pain Trial have completed their 6-month research interview, 32 completing the PEth blood draw using the Tasso M-20 device.

(L-R) ARCHER RAs, Robert Siebers and Hattie Slayton.

In May, members of the ARCHER team attended the 2024 URBAN ARCH Annual Meeting where they collaborated with other HIV and alcohol researchers, presented on ARCHER’s progress, and heard updates from the other 2nd Generation URBAN ARCH P01 Centers. Additionally, the ARCHER team convened our third data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) meeting (in April) and Program Advisory Council (PAC) meeting (in May).

We invite any interested investigators who wish to use existing Boston ARCH data for secondary analysis to contact ARCHER PI, Dr. Stein, or Kara Magane, Senior Director of Research Operations, for additional information.

The META HIV CVD Administrative Core is hosting the third annual Research on Alcohol and HIV Satellite Meeting at the Research Society of Alcoholism Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN on June 22, 2024, where Sonam Tandon and Kaku So-Armah, PhD will be presenting their abstract titled “Association of Alcohol Use and Microbiome-dependent Metabolites Butyric Acid, Bile Acids and Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in People with and without HIV.” The META HIV CVD RCT team continues to see study participants as part of their clinical trial investigating the impact of a probiotic on alcohol associated gut dysbiosis.