Christine Mikeska

mikeska-profile2x3Christine Mikeska

BU Center for the Humanities Fellow, UROP awardee

Areas of interest: Zooarchaeology, paleoethnobotany, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, human subsistence patterns


I am interested in questions of cultural identity, especially as they pertain to periods of transition, migration, and cultural assimilation, within the Near East and Europe. In the future, I hope to apply these interests to my zooarchaeological research through isotope analysis, as well as other comparative zooarchaeological methods. In the past I have analyzed faunal material from Chirikof Island, as well as various sites across the Near East and Europe. My current research focuses on the analysis of cutmarks on dog bones from the Uyak Site on Kodiak, Alaska, as well as the analysis of the faunal material excavated from the Bronze Age site of Kaymakçı in Turkey.