Podcasts: Scarlet and White 2×14 – “Travel Plans”

Prior to getting out of Boston for a week, Max Wolpoff and Andrew Mason meet one more time for Scarlet and White. After Thanksgiving, they will be back to close out the semester.

Max had a strange weekend, and he is not one to shy away from talking about his life. Andrew is befuddeled by the Men’s hockey team showing signs of life then losing again.

How crazy is it to think UCF may actually, for real, make the College Football Playoff? Will this selection process finally force the Committee to expand the playoff? Both Max and Andrew think the time is now.

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0:00 A whacky weekend

6:50 Men’s hockey is off to Northern Ireland

11:30 Women’s hockey and the Jesse Compher Show

15:19 Basketball out-of-conference is almost done

20:19 How can college football get crazy this week?

31:42 A trip around the NFL

40:52 Final thoughts and asking for mailbag questions