Communicating your science with youth audiences during graduate school is a powerful way to improve public science literacy and inspire the next generation of scientists. In collaboration with the BU’s Wheelock College of Education and Human Development, we are hosting a Science Communication Workshop with the following goals: Introduce graduate students to principles and practices […]
BU URBAN is collaborating with Sasha Goldman from BU PDPA and Amanda Bolgioni-Smith from BU CTSI on a two-part series focused on building, developing, and communicating your academic brand. For all doctoral students, the ability to package and convey your research and expertise can be critical in initiating research or outreach collaborations, building your network, […]
Calling all BU Graduate Students! Join us on Wednesday, July 15, 2 – 3 pm for our inaugural “Urban Ideashop” focused on Boston-area research, hosted in partnership with BU’s Initiative on Cities and the Urban Inequality Doctoral Workshop. Share ideas with graduate students from across Boston University and learn about new resources and collaborative opportunities. Register here and email Evan […]
On April 1, 2020, BU URBAN partnered with Sarah Finnie Robinson, a Senior Fellow at the BU Institute of Sustainable Energy and Founding Director of the 51% Percent Project to offer a Science Communication Workshop titled, “Accelerating Climate Solutions.” Information about the event can be found here, along with the pre-workshop materials and instructions. In total, 18 graduate students participated in […]
Time & Location: Monday August 5, 2019, 7 to 8:30 pm at WBUR CitySpace, 890 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 This event has passed, but you can watch it online! Vanguards in Urban Planning: Transforming Vancouver, Toronto, & Minneapolis Vancouver, Toronto and Minneapolis are flourishing. Through innovative housing, green space and transportation policies, plus shifts to renewable […]
Trainees in the BU URBAN program want their research to go beyond the boundaries of the Boston University campus research labs. Why? These remarkable Ph.D. students work on environmental challenges in cities that can impact how communities deal with heat waves, what air people breathe, how people living along shorelines can protect themselves from sea level rise, and which strategies communities can use to protect themselves from diseases like lyme. The common thread among these topics? The scientific knowledge gained from these studies can inform policy decisions.
The Initiative on Cities is pleased to announce our Spring 2019 Request for Proposals for our Early Stage Urban Research Awards page. These seed grants support research addressing urban challenges and urban populations in the US and abroad. This year, we are particularly interested in proposals related to community engaged research, international projects, and projects related to the Boston region.
Interested in Urban Science? We have some exciting talks lined up for our seminar series this semester that emphasize the connection between urban biogeoscience and environmental health.
One day into the fall semester at Boston University we hosted our first BU URBAN Introductory Workshop. We were excited to meet our 14 trainees of the 2018 cohort for the first time and made sure to help them get the most out of this 4-hour event. The weather could not have been better for our planned trip to the BU Urban Laboratory atop the roof of one of BU’s largest buildings. Here, students learned about our urban measurement site that has high-precision sensors that measure atmospheric mercury, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen deposition.