Occupational, Industry, and Geographic Exposure to Artificial Intelligence: A Novel Dataset and Its Potential Uses
Edward Felten, Manav Raj, and Robert Seamans
Introducing a novel dataset for analyzing AI’s impact on workers, firms, and markets.
Edward Felten, Manav Raj, and Robert Seamans
Introducing a novel dataset for analyzing AI’s impact on workers, firms, and markets.
Timothy Simcoe, et al.
New research showing that a supportive organizational culture, not just representation, is necessary for increasing diversity in an organization’s leadership.
Xavier Lambin and Emil Palikot
New research on the economic effects of prejudice against ethnic minority drivers, and ways to mitigate that prejudice.
Research Summary 2017-3 Since the 1980s, US industries have become increasingly dominated by large firms across almost all sectors. David Autor and coauthors find that the market share of the top four firms grew 4% in manufacturing and services industries on average with increases in other sectors ranging up to 15% in retail. Some worry […]
Research Summary 2017-2 Does Big Data give large companies an unfair competitive advantage? New machine learning technologies depend on access to large amounts of data. This means that large companies might be able to use their huge stores of data to provide better products and services than smaller rivals and startups. For example, Google might […]
Research Summary 2017-1 New artificial intelligence and robotic technologies are fueling fears that automation will cause widespread unemployment. Yet unemployment in the US is at its lowest level in 16 years. Some economists see this as evidence that recent technological change is not so great after all (Gordon). But there is another explanation that is supported […]