


Repositioning the Geopolitical Chessboard: Assessing Washington’s Latin America Strategy and Its Impact on U.S.-China Regional Competition by Frank Jiaqi Wang

German-Russian Relations: A History and the Way Ahead by Emma Liu

Rise of Cultural Diplomacy in East Asia by Yao Yao Mize

Refugee Resettlement on the Korean Peninsula: The Case of North Korean Defectors by Frank Jiaqi Wang


The Complexity of Universal Jurisdiction by Danielle Soba

Stunting in Indonesia: A Critique of Agricultural Homogenization By Denztrial Celvin Kehi

Back 2 School Initiative

Submission Guidelines

In line with the Pardee School of Global Studies’ goal of “advancing human progress,” The Pardee Atlas would like you, as future policymakers, diplomats, researchers and leaders to analyze current or historical global issues and challenges with a goal to propose possible solutions that benefit the global community. Topics may include, but are not limited to, human rights, global economics, international politics, international security, international development, religion, and environmental governance. You should devise a clear argument and provide a compelling analysis of the issue. While conducting your research and analysis, remember the words of Dean Emeritus Adil Najam:

“We have always thought of ourselves as the school for making the world a better place, and we take the task to heart.” 

Submissions should be:
  • Original pieces written by YOU 
  • 1000-3500 words, 12-point font, Times New Roman, Double-spaced 
  • Properly cited in Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition Notes-Bibliography format
  • No previously published pieces
  • Please include an abstract summarizing the key points of your paper

We will be accepting submissions on a rolling basis. Please submit your entry via this form. The Pardee Atlas will choose submission based on quality and content to showcase on the website.

All submissions are subject to approval and The Pardee Atlas reserves the right to not publish submissions.