Study the Mediterranean Diet in Italy!

Undergraduate students have the opportunity to study abroad and immerse themselves in the Mediterranean way of life in Padua, Itay.

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The course, Mediterranean Diet: Food, Culture and Health, allows students to delve deeply into and experience firsthand what has become known as the healthiest eating pattern in the world. Offered as a 4-week summer intensive taught by a BU faculty member, students engage in the classroom, on field trips to vineyards and organic farms, in culinary experiences, with host families, and with Italian faculty guest lecturers who bring global topics to life. This course is open to any student who has taken an introductory level nutrition course as a pre-requisite. For more information and to apply, visit BU Global Programs.

Student Testimonials

Kirsten Tramposch, a DPD/MS/DI studentclock

How would you describe your time in Padua, Italy?

“Every excursion we went on, I found a greater appreciation for the Italian history and culture, and the uniqueness of each city that surrounded us.”

“They [BU faculty and program staff] were there for us every step of the way to ease our transition into our new home, which only made us fall in love with Padua even more than we could imagine.”

What would you say to other students interested in the program?

“They say the best way to learn about a culture is through its food, and I could not agree more! This was more than a university course; it really is a life-changing experience and will change how you see the world around you.”

“From beginning to end, my experience with the Mediterranean Diet course far exceeded my expectations, and was one that I cannot recommend enough.”

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