Student Testimonials
Marissa Puputti, MS, RDN, LDN served at the Nutrition Team Supervisor for the first year of the DBoPs project while she was a graduate student, and stayed involved until the project’s conclusion. Marissa earned both BS and MS degrees in Nutrition from Boston University.
“Working with Paula has been an absolute privilege. I was fortunate enough to be acquainted with her as she was my advisor as an undergraduate, yet as a graduate student I was able to serve as the Nutrition Team Supervisor for the DBoPs project. Working on the DBoPs project has been an amazing professional experience for me; working on an interdisciplinary team and collaborating nutrition and medicine expertise has been great. Additionally, serving as the supervisor has helped me focus my professional interests to a management-based career in the future”
Rachel Priebe worked as a Research Assistant on the DBoPS project during the first year of the project and, took over as Nutrition Team Supervisor for the last 6 months of patient recruitment. Rachel earned her BS in Nutritional Science from BU, and will graduate from BU with her MS in Nutrition in May 2017.
“BU prides itself on students working closely with faculty, and that has been extremely evident through my relationship with Paula. I was lucky enough to have her as my undergraduate advisor, she understood that my passion was research and detailed, difficult MNT and helped me explore those interestes in a meaningful way. During my graduate program, I jumped at the chance to work with Paula on an NIH-funded grant, the DBoPS project. Working as an RA and as Nutrition Team Lead, I have been able to experience many facets of nutritionally focused research, and know that I want to focus my career in this direction.”
Jose Yarzebski (SAR ’16) worked with Dr. Quatromoni through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) at BU. Their grant awarded them an opportunity to do qualitative analysis on the essays written by participants of CYCLEKids, a non-profit based out of Cambridge that teaches kids to ride bikes, proper nutrition and how to live healthy and active lifestyles. Dr. Q and Jose found outstanding results from the program showing that CYCLEKids does much more than teach nutrition and biking skills, but also positively affects the psychosocial skills of participants.
“Dr. Q has been much more than just a mentor; I walked into her office my sophomore year not knowing her at all and left with hundreds of different opportunities to work in internships or on research. Dr. Q is exactly what a university professor should strive to be: caring, compassionate and constantly looking to get her students involved with work. Dr. Q encouraged me to participate and present in the Massachusetts Dietetic Association Annual Nutrition Convention and Exposition (ANCE), an experience I otherwise would have never had. I also learned the principles of qualitative research, how to submit grant applications, scientific writing and critical thinking skills. These skills, opportunities and connections have helped me secure various opportunities that will advance my career in nutrition.”
Maya Vadiveloo, PhD RD is an Assistant Professor of Data-enabled Nutritional Epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Rhode Island. She is a registered dietitian, epidemiologist, and behavioral scientist whose research focuses on using behavioral theory to favorably influence food choices, dietary quality, weight control, and eventually cardiovascular health. Maya first began working with Paula as a MS/DI student where she provided research assistance on the KidSTEPs program as part of a directed study. They continued collaborating during Maya’s subsequent doctoral study at New York University on a project involving the Framingham Heart Study and Paula served as Maya’s outside reader for her dissertation. Maya continues to guest lecture in Paula’s Nutritional Epidemiology class and recently, Paula has come to guest lecture in Maya’s Lifecycle Nutrition course at URI.
“Paula has been such an incredible mentor throughout my graduate and postdoctoral study, and most recently, as an Assistant professor. Her enthusiasm for teaching, research, and nutrition outreach has been nothing less than inspiring, and her devotion to her students is truly unique. Describing my experiences with Paula in a few sentences is just not possible- she has devoted countless hours to teaching me how to become a researcher and educator, and guiding my growth in the field, all while maintaining an impressive research career and inspiring and mentoring countless other students. I couldn’t be more honored to be one of Dr. Quatromoni’s former students.”
Jacey Greece focused her doctoral dissertation on the quasi-experimental evaluation of the IMOVE program, a school-based cafeteria program designed for middle schools that promotes healthy eating behaviors through increased access to affordable healthy foods and by motivating children to choose healthy options while rewarding the desired behavior. Jacey worked closely on the evaluation for nearly 3 years and she is currently writing the third peer-reviewed manuscript on the results of the IMOVE program evaluation. Jacey earned her MPH in Social and Behavioral Sciences and DSc in Epidemiology, both from Boston University School of Public Health.
“I feel so honored to have had the opportunity to work with Paula, learn from Paula, collaborate with Paula, and be mentored by Paula. I first met Paula when I was in the MPH program over 15 years ago, and I remember being mesmerized by one of her guest lectures – her passion for the field is infectious. I was, and will forever remain, so appreciative for the opportunity to work so closely with her and on her IMOVE project for my doctoral dissertation. Paula embodies what all public health researchers and professionals should be – passionate about their field of interest, confident in their ability to change communities for the better, motivated to raise the rigor of research, and selfless in advocating for populations that need it most. Paula leads by example, as a researcher, practitioner, and educator. In our work on IMOVE, she provided the best possible example and her work and passion continue to motivate me as researcher, practitioner, and educator.”
Kaylie Patrick served as a Research Assistant for the KickinNutrition.TV project for one year. Kaylie earned her MPH in Epidemiology from BU School of Public Health and holds a BS in Public Health from the University at Albany.
“I worked with Paula as part of a directed study during my MPH. In addition to my main responsibility of entering and coding data, Paula encouraged me to lead the writing of a manuscript which many students do not get the opportunity to do. I was able to further my development into a public health professional working with Paula. She quickly became one of my most trusted mentors and has guided me through many difficult career decisions. Paula continues to provide me with a listening ear and sound advice, for which I am eternally grateful!”

“Being able to take on a research position under Paula has been one of the most significant opportunities of my undergraduate career. She has encouraged growth and exploration in both my academic and professional endeavors, instilling a greater level of confidence in me as I approach post-graduate life. In this position, I learned a great deal beyond what can be taught in the classroom setting and developed a strong interest in pursuing the research field as I consider future career and professional paths.”