NEPHTC Student Projects 2021-2022
2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18| 2018-19 | 2019-20| 2020-21| 2021-22 | 2022-23

Chester Jacobs
Chester completed a project that was a collaboration between the Maine Area Health Education Center Network and the Maine Department of Corrections with the aim of developing opportunities for health... More

Arnelle Toffey
Arnelle worked as a Research Assistant at Project Weber/RENEW where the project "Racial Equity Workgroup of the RI Governor's Treatment Taskforce" completed involved creating surveys to understand the treatment/healthcare experiences... More

Mariko Rooks
As Executive Director, Mariko led coaching during actual sessions, managed the 5-8 person instructor team, oversaw all scheduling and logistical details, conducted all skills and programmatic data collection and evaluation... More

Isabelle Boutin
Isabelle's project with Vermont Public Health Association involved advocating for policies that help promote health equity, specifically reproductive health policy. The ultimate goal was to promote gender and health equity... More

Sweta Parikh
Sweta completed a project with Maine AHEC by collecting data to provide more information about oral health services for children in Maine so that gaps in oral health services could... More

Simone Sesse
Simone worked on a project called “Know your numbers” campaign, which is a successful method to raise awareness about major health conditions in the community. The project helped implement a... More

Orlando Segui
Orlando's project produced recommendations that emerged from community members like improving patient-provider relationships with an added emphasis on cultural sensitivity, improving translation of both written and oral communications, encouraging a... More

Abigail Blake
Abigail's project with Mainely Teeth assessed the school-based oral health services offered in elementary schools in York and Cumberland counties in Maine. Conducting this assessment allowed community partners to better... More

Claire Hodges
Claire's project with Rhode Island Public Health Institute allowed her to create graphics aimed at improving health literacy and increasing knowledge of public health information and resources. Those graphics were... More

Hector Nunez
Hector's project with Rhode Island Public Health Institute helped improve health equity by providing guidelines for quality improvement which improved clinical practice and the services offered.

Gal Rocabado
The Internship with the Winooski School District and the Multiple Language Learner Program aimed to establish a blueprint for a CNHS/Public Health Sciences Mentorship program. The overarching goal of this... More

Eni Daci
The Internship with the Winooski School District and the Multiple Language Learner Program aimed to establish a blueprint for a CNHS/Public Health Sciences Mentorship program. The overarching goal of this... More

Sophie Johnson
The Holyoke District Court provides immediate access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and other treatment and recovery services to criminal-justice involved individuals through the Holyoke Early Access to... More

Julia Carboneau
Julia completed her project at Support and Services at Home (SASH). "The goal of this project is to determine the impact of effective communication and preventative care on the health outcomes... More

Latahj Davila
Latahj's work at Hamden Academy involved working with children and families at the school to follow healthy COVID-19 practices while also increasing education and awareness about vaccines, testing, etc., among... More

Kelsi West
Kelsi's project sought to improve health equity by analyzing health care workforce challenges in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire (NH). A majority of the Lakes Region is rural and... More

Marielle Rogoff
Marielle's project helps ensure that Food on the Move is making an impact. Food on the Move is a program run by the Rhode Island Public Health Institute. RIPHI is... More

Courtney Bucci
Courtney's project with New England Institute of Technology addressed health equity by assessing the barriers to a) complete college and b) owning a home and proposing an intervention and implementation. More

Andrea Mitchell
North Country Health Consortium (NCHC) serves as the public health network for North Country NH, identified as all of Coos County and Northern Grafton County, to provide support services and... More

Autumn Gagnon
Holyoke, Massachusetts is geographically located on what is known as the “heroin highway.” While the whole country faces the opioid crisis, Holyoke and its predominately Hispanic population especially struggles with... More

Abigail DeBay
Abigail completed her Social Connectedness Action Team project with Cathedral Square Assisted Living in Burlington, Vermont. "During my internship, I worked with RiseVT to plan a Social Connectedness Program for seniors. More

Senyte Pierce
Senyte Pierce completed her project at Health Equity Solutions in Connecticut. "The goal of this internship project was to support HES staff in community engagement to inform their 2022 Legislative agenda. More

Rosemary Raymundo
Rosemary Raymundo completed her project "First Connections" at Family Services of Rhode Island. "The main objective to the project with the First Connections program was to map the program’s processes and... More

Deanna Sarsour
Deanna Sarsour completed her project at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center and focused on the need for culturally competent educational materials for patients. Deanna specifically looked at resources pertaining... More

Aisling McEleney
"The purpose of my project will be to help Partners for World Health better serve the needs of their community by sourcing unused medical equipment from local medical centers for... More

Toulia Nwabunnia
"The goal of this quality improvement project was to review and recommend updated housing assessment questions, identify vulnerable populations through patient data, educate staff on resources to better connect patients... More

Haley Wood
Haley Wood focused on evaluating the program Meals 4 Kids, which is a mobile food market that provides free and fresh foods to children in communities including the rural town... More