South African HIV Investment Case

Since 2011, UNAIDS and other international organizations have prompted countries to counter the downward trend in international funding for HIV programs by developing an investment case for their national HIV responses. These cases aim to maximize the impact of programs on HIV incidence and deaths by correcting any mismatch between the epidemic and the response, identifying how to go to the required scale and maintain it, cutting unnecessary costs and diversions of capacity while generating efficiencies, and ensuring the sustainability of program funding. BU supported the development of the Investment Case for South Africa, which aims to establish the most cost-effective mix of interventions against HIV and TB for South Africa over the next 20 years, taking into account both current and future levels of technical efficiency. Cost effectiveness was  measured as cost per HIV or TB infection averted, as well as number of life years saved, by the entire program of interventions. Results informed national HIV and TB policy as well as domestic government budgets and funding proposals to international donors. 

Boston University investigators Gesine Meyer-Rath(PI)
Partner investigators HE2RO
Countries South Africa
Project period
Contacts Gesine Meyer-Rath

Publications and other documents

South African Health Review 2016 – Chapter 17

SA HIV TB Investment Case Summary Report

SA HIV TB Investment Case Full Report

Satellite Session at SA AIDS: South Africa’s Investment Case: What are the country’s “best buys” for HIV and TB?