Cost of routine PrEP provision for HIV prevention – Zambia (completed)

In 2018, the Government of Zambia has fully introduced pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention in Zambia. PrEP is targeted at anyone who is at, or perceives themselves to be at, “substantial risk” of HIV infection. One big uncertainty of the program is, however, the cost of PrEP rollout. Currently, most cost estimates for PrEP are outdated and overly simplified based on a number of assumptions. In order to assist with budgeting and understanding how the cost of PrEP delivery might change over time, a comprehensive costing analysis of different types of programs is required.

The objectives of this study are to estimate the average costs related to PrEP provision in a routine setting in Zambia across different program types, including specific community-based programs targeted at female sex workers and high-risk men, integrated PrEP service delivery at a health facility, and programs targeted at adolescent girls and young women.

The research aims for this study will be:

  1. Determine the cost of PrEP provision for a 12-month period
  2. Determine the cost of PrEP provision across multiple program types
Boston University investigators Brooke Nichols (PI), Lawrence Long
Partner investigators Right to Care, HE2RO 
Countries Zambia
Project period 2018-2020
Funder USAID
Contacts Brooke Nichols


Hendrickson C, Long L, van de Vijver DA, et al. Novel metric for evaluating pre-exposure prophylaxis programme effectiveness in real-world settings. Lancet HIV 2020;