Behavioral economics and preferences

Many interventions to improve public health require behavior change, whether from patients, providers, or others. Similarly, interventions that address patient and/or provider preferences for the delivery of care have a better chance of succeeding. We are using the tools of behavioral economics to understand preferences and change behaviors related to HIV and other public health concerns.

Other Publications and Documents

Govender K, Girdwood S, Letswalo D, Long L, Meyer-Rath G, Miot J. Primary healthcare seeking behaviour of low-income patients across the public and private health sectors in South Africa. BMC Public Health 2021; 21:1649.

Govathson C, Long L, Moolla A. et al. Understanding school-going adolescent’s preferences for accessing HIV and contraceptive care: findings from a discrete choice experiment among learners in Gauteng, South AfricaBMC Health Serv Res 23, 1378 (2023).