Author: Gastronomy Education

Brewers Helping Neighbors

By Molly Farrar On Thursday, February 6, a group of Gastronomy students attended Brewers Helping Neighbors in the South End, an event benefiting United South End Settlements, a community outreach organization. In true Gastronomy student fashion, our goal for the evening was to enjoy good food and drink. However, beyond that, we learned more about […]

Career Advice on Food Writing and Culinary Tourism

by Carlos Olaechea There’s no doubt that Gastronomy students have a passion for food, but sometimes it helps to have some professional insight into how we can turn that passion into a career.  With many of our peers taking advantage of Boston Globe dining editor Sheryl Julian’s food writing class, and increased interest in visiting […]

Spring Lecture Series Recap: The History of Gentleman Farming in Los Angeles County

By Ty Robinson Last week, the Gastronomy Department hosted its first guest lecture of the season. Laura Barraclough presented a talk entitled “Cultivating Whiteness: Gentleman Farming as Settler Colonialism in Los Angeles.” Barraclough is an Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, Race and Migration at Yale University. Her engaging lecture started with a brief […]