
Spring Break Education Outreach in Marblehead

By Kali WadeMarch 7th, 2017in Events, Outreach

BU archaeology alumna, Courtney Soule (MA 2016), invited three of our lab's archaeologists to talk to her middle school Latin classes about archaeology, paleoethnobotany, and the difference between studying dinosaurs and studying past humans. On Monday, March 6th, Kathleen Forste, Audrey Tjahjadi, and Kali Wade presented on a range of archaeological topics, fielded questions, and introduced students to hands-on material culture from BU's teaching collections. Thank you to Marblehead Veterans Middle School and the bright young students for giving us such a fun day outside the lab!

 marblehead school

New Laboratory Manager

By Kali WadeMarch 1st, 2017in News

We are happy to welcome Kali Wade as the newest member of the EA Lab and our new Laboratory Manager. Kali holds an MSc in Archaeology from the University of Edinburgh and has previous experience in Near Eastern archaeology and paleoethnobotany through phytolith analysis. Kali will facilitate ongoing research in the lab in addition to carrying out her own projects. Anyone interested in becoming involved with the EA Lab is welcome to send her an email. Welcome Kali!

Marston article on wood charcoal analysis available free online

By Kali WadeDecember 3rd, 2016in Publications

An article by Marston “Unlocking Ancient Environmental Change with the Help of Living Trees” appeared recently in Arnoldia, the magazine of the Arnold Arboretum. In the article, Marston explains archaeological applications of wood charcoal analysis, as well as the ongoing partnership between the Arnold Arboretum and the Environmental Archaeology Laboratory, and highlights the role this partnership plays in the annual Wood Anatomy Workshop taught by Marston each summer.

Lab Volunteer Mollie Yacano Profiled in BU Today

By Kali WadeOctober 27th, 2016in News

BU Today has an article on the BU Marine Program course “Scientific Diving”, which lab volunteer Mollie Yacano recently completed. Read about her adventures in cold, murky waters and her harrowing tale of surviving a crab attack here.

Forste recipient of ASOR conference travel

By Kali WadeSeptember 9th, 2016in Awards, Conferences, Funding, Research

Kathleen Forste was one of 10 students selected to receive ASOR’s student conference travel grant to attend the 2016 annual meeting in San Antonio, TX! She is co-author on a presentation with Professoss Mac Marston of Boston University and Deirdre Fulton of Baylor University. Their talk is titled “The Animal and Plant Economies at Islamic and Crusader Ashkelon,” and will be given Saturday, November 19.

Marston and Forste to present at ASOR 2016

By Kali WadeAugust 23rd, 2016in Conferences, Research

Professor John M. Marston and Kathleen Forste will be presenting a paper will Professor Deirdre Fulton of Baylor University at the ASOR 2016 Annual meeting in San Antonio, TX. They will present their recent analysis of plant and animal economy at Ashkelon during the Crusader era.

Marston and Forste part of team discovering first Philistine cemetery

By Kali WadeJuly 11th, 2016in News

John Marston and Kathleen Forste are part of the Ashkelon excavation team, who for the last three years have quietly excavated the first Philistine cemetery every discovered. Read about it in detail on the Harvard Gazette, in shorter pieces in the New York Times and National Geographic, or other news venues worldwide (all linked on the Ashkelon project website, together with exclusive images of the excavation).