Category: Research

Marston wins NSF support for new isotopic research

The National Science Foundation Archaeology Program has funded the proposal “Spatial Analysis of State Agropastoral Economies”, which is directed by John M. Marston (Boston University, lead PI) and David Meiggs (Rochester Institute of Technology). Over the two-year award, Marston and Meiggs will conduct research to examine how societies manage sustainable agricultural production across the varied landscapes under their […]

Wade and Marston’s work published in Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology

EA Laboratory Supervisor Kali Wade has published her first article, resulting from her MSc thesis work at the University of Edinburgh, with co-authors Lisa-Marie Shillito, John M. Marston, and Clive Bonsall. Read “Assessing the potential of phytolith analysis to investigate local environment and prehistoric plant resource use in temperate regions: a case study from Williamson’s Moss, Cumbria, […]

Codlin awarded an NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant

Congratulations to Maria Codlin, who was awarded a National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant this past semester! Maria will continue her research examining how animals in urban food economies relate to social organization and wealth; in particular, among those communities surrounding ancient Teotihuacan, Mexico. Excellent work Maria!  

Forste wins 2019 GRAF Award

Kathleen Forste has been awarded a Short-Term Graduate Research Abroad Fellowship from BU’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences! Kathleen will be using the fellowship to fund her travels, collection, and analysis of archaeobotanical remains from the site of Tel Shimron this upcoming summer. Kathleen’s work will inform our understanding of agricultural change in Israel’s Islamic […]

Hunter wins Alumni Award for Writing Excellence

Congratulations to Sydney Hunter for winning a 2019 Alumni Award for Writing Excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences. Her exemplary honors thesis used microbotanical remains to examine agriculture and environmental change in the ancient city of Kath (Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan) preceding and during the early Islamic period. She was presented with the award last weekend, along with her […]

Marston selected as 2020 Fulbright Scholar to Australia

Marston has been selected as the recipient of one of six Fulbright Scholar Awards to Australia in the “All Disciplines” competition. This will allow him to spend the Spring 2020 semester at the School of Social Science, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, to collaborate with Dr. Andrew Fairbairn on a project entitled “Agricultural Sustainability at […]

Marston co-author on new Kerkenes article

Marston is a co-author (with Sarah R. Graff and Scott Branting, director of the Kerkenes Project) on a new article just published in Economic Anthropology, entitled “Production requires water: Material remains of the hydrosocial cycle in an ancient Anatolian city”. The article is slated for the June issue and available online in advance of print […]

Wroth and Marston publish in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Environmental Archaeology Laboratory alumna and 2018 BU PhD Kristen Wroth, now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Tübingen, has published the first article of her dissertation, with co-authors John M. Marston and BU emeritus professor Paul Goldberg. Read “Neanderthal plant use and pyrotechnology: phytolith analysis from Roc de Marsal, France” in Archaeological and Anthropological […]