Nicole Hulquist is the second author on a recently published study that sources atmospheric methane production using “clumped” stable isotopes (molecules containing multiple heavy isotopes). The article appears in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, a publication of the AGU. Read more in the article here. Congratulations, Nicole!
EAL lab member Karen Stewart won the student paper competition at the annual meeting of the Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology this past weekend for her paper “Small But Not Forgotten? Plant Remains from CRM Excavations of Historical Sites.” Congratulations, Karen!
Owen Lannon (CAS ’24) has started a new position at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Falmouth, MA. Owen’s work involves processing organic carbon samples for their radiocarbon AMS. Congratulations, Owen, on the new job!
Claire Mukigi, a rising senior at Natick High School, joined the Environmental Archaeology Laboratory as part of the BU Greater Boston Area Research Opportunities For Young Women (GROW) program, an internship that places high school students from the Boston area in BU labs for the summer, sponsored by the CAS Office of STEM Outreach & […]
A new member of the Environmental Archaeology Laboratory is joining us this fall, Anne Johnakin, a PhD student in Anthropology. Anne comes to BU with an MSc in Archaeological Sciences from the University of Oxford and a BA in Anthropology from Dartmouth. Anne’s prior work has included microbotanical and stable isotope analyses, as well as […]
Peter Kovacik received a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Research Grant from the Archaeology Program of the US National Science Foundation. This award, titled “Effect of Colonial Policy on Land Use”, provides funds to permit Peter to engage in archaeobotanical research into Spanish colonial land-use strategies in the Albuquerque Basin of New Mexico, and how land-use practices […]
The UROP research of Angela Zhang (CAS ’24) is featured in an article by BU’s research publication, The Brink. Read the article, titled “Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Nile Valley Settlements Found in Forgotten Treasure,” here. Congratulations Angela on the exciting research and wonderful article!
EAL PhD student Trevor Lamb’s research has been highlighted on BU’s The Brink research site. Read the article here. This research is funded by his National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant. Congratulations on the media coverage, Trevor!
This summer Environmental Archaeology Lab member Trevor Lamb is serving as the Archaeology Interpretation Development Intern at Blackstone Valley National Historical Park, which is located in the Blackstone River Valley of south-central Massachusetts and northeast Rhode Island. Earlier this month he led a hands-on paleoethnobotany workshop at the “First Friday” event held at Slater Mill […]
Marston has received a substantial award from the Loeb Classical Library Foundation to fund 2023 fieldwork at the Athenian Agora, where he along with Angela Zhang (CAS ’24) and Owen Lannon (CAS ’24) will conduct research into the use of plants in the civic heart of ancient Athens. This award will finance travel and research […]