Category: Funding

Kovacik receives New Mexico research funding

Peter Kovacik received a research grant from the Friends of Coronado & Jemez Historic Sites, located in New Mexico. This award will support additional radiocarbon dating as part of Peter’s doctoral research into Spanish colonial land-use strategies in the Albuquerque Basin of New Mexico. Congratulations, Peter!

Kovacik receives NSF DDRIG award

Peter Kovacik received a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Research Grant from the Archaeology Program of the US National Science Foundation. This award, titled “Effect of Colonial Policy on Land Use”, provides funds to permit Peter to engage in archaeobotanical research into Spanish colonial land-use strategies in the Albuquerque Basin of New Mexico, and how land-use practices […]

Marston receives grant for botanical research at Athenian Agora

Marston has received a substantial award from the Loeb Classical Library Foundation to fund 2023 fieldwork at the Athenian Agora, where he along with Angela Zhang (CAS ’24) and Owen Lannon (CAS ’24) will conduct research into the use of plants in the civic heart of ancient Athens. This award will finance travel and research […]

Dorr awarded fellowship at AIAR

Alex Dorr has been awarded a US Department of State Educational and Cultural Affairs Junior Research Fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year at the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research. Alex will spend one semester of next academic year in Jerusalem to continue work on his dissertation project on agricultural systems of the Hellenistic period […]

Evan McDuff earns Fulbright fellowship

Evan McDuff has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to Israel for his doctoral dissertation research project, titled “Spices, Identity, and Acts of Culinary Resistance in the Face of the Roman Empire”. This fellowship will support Evan during the Spring 2023 semester at the University of Haifa, where he will work in the Laboratory for Sedimentary […]

Evan McDuff earns fellowship for dissertation research in Israel

Evan McDuff has been awarded an Educational and Cultural Affairs Junior Research Fellowship from the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem for his doctoral dissertation research project, titled “Spices, Identity, and Acts of Culinary Resistance in the Face of the Roman Empire”. This fellowship will support Evan during the Fall 2022 semester in Jerusalem. […]

Lab alumna Sydney Hunter (CAS ’19) selected for NSF GRF

Environmental Archaeology Laboratory undergraduate alumna Sydney Hunter (CAS ’19) has been selected as one of nine archaeologists nationwide for a 2021 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This prestigious fellowship will fund three years of her doctoral research. Sydney has just completed an MA at the University of Liverpool and intends to enroll at Ohio […]

Lab alumna Emily Johnson (CAS ’17) selected for NSF GRF

Environmental Archaeology Laboratory undergraduate alumna Emily Johnson (CAS ’17), currently a doctoral student in Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been selected as one of seven archaeologists nationwide for a 2020 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This prestigious fellowship will fund three years of her doctoral research. Congratulations, Emily!