CIC MS Write Up
Please acknowledge BU Chemistry Department Chemical Instrumentation Center and staff who helped you in obtaining your results. When appropriate, please also invite CIC staff as your co-author. If you have any questions drafting your paper/publication, please feel free to contact CIC.
Here are the MS experimental sections that you can adapt in your write-up:
Agilent LC/MSD VL
Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) and LCMS:
- Low resolution mass spectrometry data was obtained on an Agilent LC/MSD VL system by electrospray (ESI) flow injection analysis in the [positive or negative] mode. Mobile phases were water and acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid. The MS settings were: voltage = 3000V, fragmentor = 70 and chamber temperature = 350 °C [you may need to change those if you used non-standard FIA methods].
- LCMS was obtained on an Agilent LC/MSD VL system by electrospray (ESI) in the [positive or negative] mode with a reverse-phase C18 Zorbax Eclipse 2.1 x 50 mm column (Agilent). Mobile phasese were water and acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid. Separation was achieved by a flow rate of 0.15 mL/min and a mobile phase gradient from 5 to 95% acetonitrile in 10 minutes.
Waters QTof API US
Flow Injection Analysis (FIA)
- High resolution mass spectrometry data was obtained on a Waters Qtof (hybrid quadrupolar/time-of-flight) API US system by electrospray (ESI) in the [positive or negative] mode. Mass correction was done by an external reference using a Waters Lockspray accessory. Mobile phases were water and acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid. The MS settings were: capillary voltage = 3kV, cone voltage = 35, source temperature = 120 °C and dissolvation temperature = 350 °C [cone voltage = 10 and dissolvation temperature = 120 °C if experiment was carried out in low T and low V]. Also, we are grateful to the National Science Foundation for the purchase of the Waters high resolution mass spectrometer (CHE 0443618) used in this work.